Beerhouse³ 営業日誌













以前から言葉を入れると画像を生成するAIはいくつか発表されてたのだけど、2022年夏にOpen AIからDall-E2が出て、その精細さにネットがにわかに沸き立った…のも束の間、続いて、midjourney(ミッドジャーニー)や、Stable Diffusion(ステイブル・ディフュージョン)が発表されて、みるみる印象が薄くなっていたOpenAIが、2022年の終わりに、対話型のChatGPT3、マイクロソフトのBingとの提携、そして年明けには有料版のGPT4を出して再び話題を集めた、というのが、ここ1年の流れ。

















"An upright bipedal robot with a cat motif. The body color is blue and white with red collar."








左上:Photo of an upright bipedal robot designed with a cat motif. The robot's body is predominantly blue and white, and it has a distinct red collar around its neck. Its eyes resemble those of a cat, with sleek, metallic whiskers protruding from the sides of its face.

右上:Illustration of a futuristic robot standing upright on two legs. The design is heavily inspired by a cat, with blue and white metallic surfaces. A red collar stands out around its neck, and its eyes glow with feline intensity.

左下:Render of a bipedal robot in a standing position. The design is a blend of modern robotics and feline aesthetics. Its body is a mix of blue and white, with a bright red collar as a striking feature. The robot's face has features reminiscent of a cat, including metallic whiskers.

右下:Vector art of a unique robot with two legs, standing tall. The robot's design is influenced by a cat, having a blue and white color scheme. A contrasting red collar circles its neck. The robot's eyes and facial features give it a cat-like appearance.








"Second image in 8K photo style. Try to draw a standing image if you can. The aspect ratio should be vertical."



8K photo of a futuristic robot standing upright on two legs in a vertical frame. The robot's design is heavily inspired by a cat, with blue and white metallic surfaces. A prominent red collar stands out around its neck, and its eyes emit a feline glow. The robot's posture is tall and commanding, showcasing its full stature.


直立してくれました! カッコイイ! ポケットから道具を出すよりも、威張ってるガキを直接、殴りに行ってくれそう! まあ、もうちょい全身が青多めでもいいと思いますけど。













"Let's make this cat robot huge. It is a giant robot that a human rides on, not like the ones in Japanese robot anime, but  more realistic and practical shape. It is blue with white accent and a red collar representing cats. 8k photo, cat robot standing on a street in Tokyo."



8K photo capturing the moment when a massive cat-themed robot, painted in blue with white accents, stands mightily amidst Tokyo's urban landscape. The robot's realistic and utilitarian design sets it apart from fantastical anime robots. A red collar encircles its neck, emphasizing its cat inspiration. Below, people on the streets look up, taking photos and marveling at the sight, while a human rider confidently controls the robot from above.




















"A heavy tank with a cat motif used by the imperial army in the post-apocalyptic world stands in the desert. In horizontal aspect."




左上:Photo of a heavy tank adorned with cat motifs, used by the imperial army, parked in the vast desert. The tank's design reflects a post-apocalyptic aesthetic with rusted metal, spikes, and armored plates. The desert stretches out endlessly, with dunes and a clear sky.

右上:Illustration of a massive tank with intricate cat designs and symbols. The tank, belonging to the imperial forces, sits in a post-apocalyptic desert with scattered debris and remnants of a past civilization. The sun casts long shadows on the sand.

左下:Render of a formidable tank with cat-inspired decorations, representing the might of the imperial army in a devastated world. The tank stands in a barren desert, where the remnants of war can be seen. The sky overhead is a fiery orange, hinting at a recent catastrophe.

右下:Photo of a powerful tank, bearing cat emblems and graffiti, signifying its allegiance to the imperial army in a world after an apocalypse. The desert landscape shows signs of past battles, with craters and burnt marks. A few scavenger birds fly in the distant sky.






"A human-crewed, upright, bipedal heavy robot with a cat motif used by the Imperial Army in the post-apocalypse world stands in the desert. In vertical aspect."




1枚目:Illustration of a towering bipedal robot with cat motifs, operated by a human crew from inside. This mechanized titan belongs to the Imperial Army and stands proudly in a post-apocalyptic desert, with sand dunes and a bleak sky overhead. The robot's design incorporates armored plates, rusted details, and advanced weaponry.

2枚目:Photo of a large, upright, human-controlled robot, adorned with cat-inspired designs and symbols, representing the might of the Imperial Army. The robot stands firm in a desolate desert landscape, with remnants of a devastated civilization scattered around. The sunset casts a golden hue on the scene.

3枚目:Render of a massive, two-legged robot with intricate cat decorations, symbolizing its allegiance to the Imperial Army in a world after cataclysm. The desert stretches endlessly, bearing witness to the scars of war and time. The robot's imposing stature is accentuated by the vastness of the surroundings.

4枚目:Drawing of a formidable bipedal mech with cat emblems, piloted by humans from within its cockpit. This war machine of the Imperial Army stands in a barren desert, with distant ruins hinting at a once-thriving civilization. Sandstorms loom on the horizon, adding to the atmospheric tension.




"The atmosphere of the first one is nice, but try adding a cat-like head and arms."



Illustration of a towering bipedal robot with a distinctly cat-like head and arms, operated by a human crew from inside. This mechanized titan, adorned with cat motifs, belongs to the Imperial Army. It stands in a post-apocalyptic desert with sand dunes and a bleak sky overhead. The robot's design showcases armored plates, rusted details, and advanced weaponry.


おお、コクピットがちょっとネコっぽくなったけど、もっと! そして腕! 「arms」が「腕」と「武器」を混同している…?


"The head should be more mechanised cat shape while the arms and legs should be closer to a human-like."



Illustration of a towering bipedal robot, featuring a mechanized cat-shaped head and human-like arms and legs. The robot, operated by a human crew from inside, stands in a post-apocalyptic desert surrounded by sand dunes. The design combines the ruggedness of armored plates and rusted details with the finesse of its cat-inspired head.


下が途切れてるけど、いんじゃないの?! ちなみに、これを出す前に1回「もっとネコっぽく」と言ったら、四つ足かつメカニカルじゃないネコを出してきたので、遡って前述のような指示に修正しています。




"Then paint the entire robot surface in blue, and standing in the ruined city streets."



Illustration of a towering bipedal robot, painted entirely in blue, with a mechanized cat-shaped head and human-like arms and legs. The robot stands amidst the ruined city streets, with remnants of buildings, broken roads, and overturned vehicles. Its design, while sleek with its blue paint, contrasts starkly with the desolation around.




"this robot is originally painted blue, the paint has peeled off in time and the white undercoat is beginning to show."



Illustration of the towering bipedal robot, now with a blue exterior paint that has weathered over time, revealing patches of its white undercoat. The robot, with its mechanized cat-shaped head and human-like arms and legs, stands in a post-apocalyptic desert. The signs of age and wear on its paint give it a sense of history and battles endured.


質感は戻ったけど、ネコ感どこ行った? 再び戻って、ネコ感を強調して色合いを調整。


"this cat motif robot is originally painted blue, the paint has peeled off in time and the white undercoat is beginning to show."




1枚目:Illustration of a towering bipedal robot with a mechanized cat-shaped head and human-like arms and legs. The robot's original blue paint has weathered over time, revealing the white undercoat beneath. Amidst the post-apocalyptic desert, this aging guardian of the Imperial Army showcases the scars of countless battles, with its chipped paint and rusted details.

2枚目:Drawing of the mechanized cat-head robot, once painted in a vibrant blue, now showing signs of wear and tear. The blue paint has chipped and faded in places, exposing the white undercoat. It stands resiliently in the desert, a testament to the ravages of time and war.

3枚目:Render of the bipedal robot, characterized by its intricate cat head and humanoid limbs. The once-blue paint has peeled off in patches, revealing the white primer underneath. This war-worn machine of the Imperial Army stands amidst the vast desert, embodying the passage of time in a post-apocalyptic world.

4枚目:Illustration of the grand cat motif robot, its blue paint worn and chipped, revealing the underlying white coat. Despite the wear, its stature remains unyielding in the desolate desert. The sun casts shadows that accentuate its battle scars and the ravages of time.


なぜか4枚出てきた。1枚目はさっきと大差ない感じ。2枚目、顔だけになってしまったけど、わりといい? 3枚目も二足歩行にして重量感を加えればよさそうだけど…。








この記事を書いてる間に見かけた記事として、こちらの記事では、Stable Diffusionとの比較などでをしており、面白かったです。


この記事で紹介されている、Dall-e3が生成した画像の構図を引用して、Stable Diffusionでさらに生成させる、という手法は興味深いところです。


現状、Dall-e3では画像から別の画像を生成させる、i2i (image to image)が使えないので。





























